Yesterday, I stayed at home with Anabelle, since it was pouring down and traffic was a mess. It's a good thing I can work from home. And by work from home, I mean sit on the couch with Bellies beside me while she turns off my computer because the button is too inciting not to touch. Work fail.
So instead, we played in the rain. She kept trying to get me to take my sandals off and once I did, she wanted to take her shoes off too. So we splashed in the water on the sidewalk in our bare feet. This took some guts on my part to let her play barefoot. All I kept thinking was, "is there bacteria in this water?" "She's going to get sick, we should go inside." And then told my worry wart mom self to shut the fuck up and enjoy the moment. I remember playing in the rain when I was a child (and subsequently getting in trouble for the above reasons) but I survived. And it was a blast!
We also worked on a putting stickers on a recycled mint tin for a project I'm working on. Yay for stickers and saving the environment! See? I'm a good person.
Since it continued to rain all day, we made some muffins via Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Cookbook
. This is one of the best presents my husband has ever given me. I highly suggest you buy it. Easy recipes that are good for your insides and they taste incredible.
Do you have any cookbook recommendations? I'm kind of a cookbook hoarder...
Daddy came home and took over since I wasn't feeling so good. After her bath, she ran to the top of the stairs and called out to me:
A: Ma!
Me: Yes? Are you done?
A: Yeah!
Me: You ready for night-night time?
A: Neh... Yeah!
Yeah! Happy Friday. Have a great weekend :)
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