Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Playground Silliness

Toddler on slide

We are soaking up every last bit of summer left! Everyone is talking about how excited there are for Fall. Can we just slow down a minute and enjoy the sunshine, sweltering heat and Popsicles just a little bit longer? Thanks.

This past weekend, Bellies and I hit up the splash pad while daddy was out stuck on a malfunctioning boat feeding the fish. It was cloudy and thunderstorms kept rolling in and out, so we had to keep taking "water breaks." We went on the other side of the splash pad for the younger kids and since Anabelle didn't feel like joining the other kids to play or share any of the equipment, she made the wise decision to bounce on over to the playground.

As soon as we walked up, this little boy came running full force straight to Anabelle asking to, "pway, pway, pway!" She stared him straight in the face then turned away. Don't talk to strangers or their children. I get it. The little boy, however, didn't. He followed us everywhere we went on the jungle gym and kept trying to drag her hand down the slide. "Let's swide, come on!" The three of us went down the enclosed slide together, because he was just so excited to play. Bless his little heart. Nothing beats childhood innocence and the eagerness to make new friends. 

Toddler at playground

Toddler sliding

Toddler sliding

Toddler at playground

Toddler at playground

Toddler sliding

Toddler sliding

Toddler sliding

Toddler sliding

Toddler on playground

Summer forever.
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1 comment:

  1. How cute! I agree, let's soak up each season for all their worth! :)
