Sunday, September 28, 2014
Meal Prep During Nap Time
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Our First Library Trip
We experienced our first library trip last Sunday, and it was awesome. I love the way libraries smell. Kind of like a sweet old man who holds a lot of secrets.
There was this magical look in Anabelle's eyes as soon as we walked in. She viewed her surroundings and in true form, she got clingy within minutes. I pried her little hands off my legs and got down to her level. I told her we were at the library with tons of books to read and we had to be quiet, because, well, that's what you do at the library. Does anyone know who made that quiet rule at the library? I feel like some librarians tend to get a bit overzealous with the shh-ing.
Anabelle thought it was a free for all, and started pulling all the books off the shelve. In true mommy form, I started putting them all back, desperately trying to remember the Dewey Decimal System. She would grab a couple of books, and head back over to the tables and grab a seat. We read about two and half books before she lost interest and started following this small group of elementary-aged girls. While she snagged a few lessons in prepubescent drama, I walked along the aisle trying to find a few books to check out. Did you know Jamie Lee Curtis write children's books? They are absolutely adorable, and we ended up checking out My Brave Year of Firsts
and a few other books. So far, this one
is my fav.
The librarian said we can check out 75 books at a time. That sounds like a challenge to me.
There's also a section where you can sit down and color and work out a few puzzles. We did both. Let me take that back, I colored and took pictures with my phone, while Anabelle attempted to hoard all the crayons from the girl across from of us. You would think she would have been a little more polite after the little girl whispered to her mom, "she's so cute!" Anabelle isn't very fond of sharing right now, which is totally fine. She's an only child. And as you can see, there was no shortage of community crayons.
She wanted to take a picture when we left the library, but ended up getting sidetracked because she spotted a crow in the street. I'm starting to think she attracts crows, because everywhere we go, there ends up being a few she wants to try to pet as I run behind her screaming, "nooooo!"
After the library, we stopped by the park, since it was nearing the witching hour and dinner was simmering in the crock pot. We ran in the grass and played "ring around the rosie" since wasn't feeling the interior of the playground, just the exterior.
Mostly, we just sat on the bench because a few other kids showed up to play and she didn't want to share the jungle gym. More sharing problems. She kept shouting at them, "no!" while swatting her hands in their direction. I didn't mind sitting next to her. The bench was relaxing and it's nice to sit still every once in a while. You know what I mean? Yes, you do.
I can't remember what she was looking at here. Probably more creepy crows.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Our Life Is Not A Rehearsal
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Life With A Toddler: No Filter
I love to sing. Mostly in the privacy of my car and shower, but occasionally, I'll let out my full-blown opera voice and belt out some tunes. Christian, nursery rhymes, old Tupac jams, you name it. Not everyone enjoys my singing. And by everyone, I mean my sweet little baby girl who hasn't developed a filter yet between her thoughts and mouth.
Let me set the scene for you. We've just taken a nice, relaxing bath full. Anabelle was practicing sticking half of her head underwater, while rolling onto her tummy. Scenes like this:
After we got her pjs on, she's standing on her step stool brushing her tiny white square-shaped teeth that are just so adorable and I encourage to her to brush correctly by singing the song from Grease that for some reason, I can't get out of my head. Whenever it's time to brush her teeth, I flashback to this scene.
Me: "Brusha, Brusha, Brusha! Get the new Ipana!"
Anabelle: (turns around and points at me) "Stop!"
Me: What? But I love that song!
Let me set the scene for you. We've just taken a nice, relaxing bath full. Anabelle was practicing sticking half of her head underwater, while rolling onto her tummy. Scenes like this:
After we got her pjs on, she's standing on her step stool brushing her tiny white square-shaped teeth that are just so adorable and I encourage to her to brush correctly by singing the song from Grease that for some reason, I can't get out of my head. Whenever it's time to brush her teeth, I flashback to this scene.
Me: "Brusha, Brusha, Brusha! Get the new Ipana!"
Anabelle: (turns around and points at me) "Stop!"
Me: What? But I love that song!
Don't worry, I didn't stop singing. She just yelled at me over and over while I kept on keeping on.
New scene: we are sitting on the playroom floor singing more songs, and she runs her hands up and down my legs.
Anabelle: "Ow!"
Me: "What happened?"
Anabelle: (rubs my knee) "Ow!"
Me: "Okay, I get it. I need to shave."
You win, Anabelle. You win.
Anabelle: "Ow!"
Me: "What happened?"
Anabelle: (rubs my knee) "Ow!"
Me: "Okay, I get it. I need to shave."
You win, Anabelle. You win.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Currently [Vol. IV]
Thinking about // Pumpkin patches. Turning leaves. S'mores. Chunky sweaters. Mocassins. Hay bale rides. Now that October is right around the corner, I can let myself think about the next season. I haven't even decided what we're going to be for Halloween. My self-imposed deadline is October 1. Any suggestions?
Reading // The Goldfinch. Oh my gosh, you guys. This book is so engrossing, I haven't been able to put it down. It's rather depressing, and I can only hope the end is somewhat bearable.
Enjoying // Faux camp outs in Anabelle's play tent before bedtime. Daddy gave her the lantern and I bought a rug and pillows to cover the carpet debacle. The first time she walked in with the lantern, she said, "ooooh!" I can't wait until Halloween so we can all shove ourselves in there and tell toddler-friendly ghost stories. Every time I look at this picture I think of a s'mores camp out. We may just have to bring the ten outside to make that happen.
Thankful for // Stumbling across this link up. You guys inspire me so much. The encouragement and inspiration I see throughout this community is heart felt and real. Thank you for being a community of women that support each other. Seriously. Thank you.
Loving // This post from Caroline. Those pieces are beautiful. She shows you how to minimize your wardrobe with essential + fun pieces for each season. We are so bombarded with advertising, marketing and pushy tactics to get us to buy the latest and greatest. If we don't, then somehow we fall short and are lacking. Why do we need 14 pairs of jeans and 3 pairs of brown ankle boots? It's silly if you really think about it. I've decided to really try to get a capsule wardrobe for Fall, which will likely roll over to Winter. I'm really excited to try it. My husband just dropped off eight garbage bags of clothes to goodwill. His portion was about half a bag. Has anyone else tried a capsule wardrobe or are you thinking about it?
Friday, September 19, 2014
Rain, rain come again

We also worked on a putting stickers on a recycled mint tin for a project I'm working on. Yay for stickers and saving the environment! See? I'm a good person.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
18 Month Update
- Neh (meaning no, her favorite)
- Bubbles
- Wa-wa for water
- Hap for help
- Eye
- Mo for more
- Tay-tay for thank you
- Bah for bad. She is always scolding the cats and telling them they are being "bah!" She's right 99% of the time.
Other fun activities she enjoys regularly are eating dirt, eating soap, painting, chasing the cats, trying on my clothes, taking pictures by our infamous red brick wall and singing.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Today Was An Epic Day
Genius, I tell you. Or a little bit of a dare devil. Either way, I can stare at this cheesy face all day.