We went to our church Halloween festival for some easy and safe fun with Anabelle. I decided to dress her up as a cat with simple glitter embellished cat ears, a plain baseball tee, black leggings and Potato Feet moccasins. It was super easy, and she totally adored it! We were practicing working on our, "meow" all week long. She totally nailed it.
She had a carpet burn on her sweet face from jumping off the bed (no idea where she got that from), and it was freezing outside, but we had so much fun! She played a few games, ate a waffle burger straight from a food truck, went trick or treating inside the church and managed to consume just a few pieces of candy. She finally crashed around 10:00pm, which is the latest she's ever been awake!
I loved the simplicity of this year's Halloween! The look on her face when she got to wear makeup like mommy was priceless, and it's a look I hope to never forget. I soaked up every minute of Halloween, since I'm positive next year, she'll be able to tell me exactly what she wants to be. With a smile and a head tilt. And it won't be as easy, but it will be just as fun.
Until we meet again, Halloween.
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