Friday, November 21, 2014

Five Reasons I'm So Thankful

Five Reasons I'm So Thankful | Bubbles and Gold

1 \\ After years of refusing to have a family, I finally have one of my very own. I cherish each day with them because in reality, I realize there is so much more to live for. If I knew how awesome life was with children, I would have started way sooner. Kidding. Maybe. 

2 \\ I married the right man. Our communications skills have improved over the years, and I'm so grateful I've learned the right way to communicate with him. We're a team, and I think we're pretty damn awesome together. Plus, he's willing to go on an ice cream run at any time. Swoon. 

3 \\ My home is all my own. I never imagined we would own our home, but we have somewhere Anabelle can call her home. Somewhere she can trash up and we don't have to worry about paying the landlord for toddler tornado damage.

4 \\ Sweet friends that listen to me whine and complain and offer advice when I really need it. I can't imagine my life without them. 

5 \\ The realization that I finally know who I am. Who I'm supposed to be. And I'm so excited for what's to come.

Happy Friday friends! I hope you take the time to tell me what you're thankful for. Tis the season!
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  1. This is a beautiful post. Knowing yourself is indeed a gift!

  2. Your list is so sweet, it wonderful to be at a place in life where you are enjoying every moment of it and the people in it. :)
