Monday, August 11, 2014
Currently [Vol. III]
Thinking about // Vacation. All things vacation related, like what activities we are going to do, what we are going to eat, where the husband and I are going to have a date night. This is the only thing I can think about right now. I can't help it. Sorry, not sorry.
Reading // This article. Ugh, talk about a tear-jerker. It drives me bonkers to watch the older kids trample all over Anabelle on the playground while she stands there in shock by the chaos. Life in itself is one gigantic chaotic ball of fire, and I can't even imagine where she'll be in a few years.
Watching // Shark week. My husband dominates the TV during shark week and I have no say. I really don't understand what's the big deal with shark week. They are fascinating species on the verge of being endangered, but so are rhinoceroses. We don't have a Rhinoceroses week. Seriously, please explain this to me.
Thankful for // My hard working husband. That kid has been busting his hump all day, everyday for months so we can enjoy an awesome vacation! He needs this vacation more than all of us combined, and I'm relieved it's finally here. He even let me sleep twelve hours straight on Sunday! Um, hello, best husband ever. I woke up with my face plastered in the sheets totally disoriented. I can't remember the last time I got twelve straight hours of shut eye. It was glorious [insert angels singing].
Enjoying // Quiet mornings with my cup of coffee before anyone wakes up. I've been waking up before the sun to get a study sesh in and catch up on any blogging I missed the night before. It's the only time I get to really concentrate and I'm soaking up
Loving // Anabelle's growth spurt. We moved her measuring stick to a different wall this weekend, and she stood up against it and she grew like an entire inch! She was pretty impressed, as was I. We did a happy dance after. This picture doesn't reflect our happy dance, but look how big she is, you guys!
Last weeks goals:
1. Smile more. (Let me clarify, this means out in public.) This was harder than I thought. I'm usually in my own little world, so I don't even pay attention. I'll give myself an "A" for effort because I did try, when I thought about it.
2. Spend less time on my phone. I did pretty well last week!
3. Drink more water and less coffee. Major fail. I've got a lot on my plate, and coffee is helping me stay a float.
4. Study everyday this week. 5 out of 7, which is better than last week.
5. Get some oil-pulling in. Another fail. I kept forgetting and only did it once.
This weeks goals:
1. Smile more in public. For real for real.
2. Drink more water! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
3. Read two chapters this week.
4. Start packing for vacation.
5. Figure out how to really use my camera. Any tips? I'm still learning.

Yay for vacation!! That's all that is on our mind too! We are leaving for Vancouver Friday then Alaska Saturday I can not wait!! :):)
ReplyDeleteI need to start making more weekly goals! If you ever have questions about your camera or photography stuff feel free to message me! I can try to help! Xoxo
I'm totally jealous of you guys going to Alaska. I bet it's just gorgeous there. I know you will take wonderful pictures so I can live vicariously through your family. Haha.
DeleteSweet! I sure will.
I do not understand the fascination with Shark Week either! Where are you with your camera learning? Are you still shooting on Auto? If you're just getting started, I recommend switching to Aperture Priority for a couple weeks and then shooting in Shutter Priority for a couple weeks. It's easier to start small and then gradually work up to Manual Mode. These tutorials really helped me:
Great info! This was a lot easier to read than the manual. Thanks so much!!
DeleteHa! Shark week is a big weird mystery to me too. I have nightmares about sharks and waves and sting rays. I obviously have issues with great big ocean elements, but why the heck would anyone want to watch this stuff for a solid week?
ReplyDeleteThat just means extra time to catch up on my reading, while the hubs zones out on shark teeth ;)
Deletenever watched shark week..
ReplyDeletea vacation sounds perfect.. i am in dire need of one.
I love these posts! Gonna have to read that article, because sometimes I am terrified watching Liam on the playground with rough & rude older kids around him!
ReplyDeleteI have to grit my teeth so I don't yell at the other children. I know they are just having fun and not really paying attention.
DeleteVACATION! Hooray! Vacation is so necessary. So glad you get it soon :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I have been meaning to do more oil pulling as well but always forget/can't find 20 minutes in the morning with a newborn lol ... I must get on that!
I'm so happy I found your blog through the Currently link up!
Love mornings alone as well ....just feels like my day is starting on such a good pace, calm and focused on what matters.