Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bump Update - 19 Weeks

bump update 19 weeks | Free Threads Blog

How far along: 19 weeks.

Gender: We found out we were having a boy around 11 weeks. So exciting!!

Weight gain: Last I checked, it was about 6 lbs. I don't have a scale, so I won't know it until my next doctor appointment.

Maternity clothes: Nope. So far maxis and the belly band are my go-to items. I really despise maternity clothes, so I've been using a few select pieces that I can also use after the baby is born. 

Sleep: Blissful. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I am out.

Best bump moment so far: When my husband felt the baby kick. His face was melted my heart :)

Miss anything: Beer! No really. I even had a dream I was at a bar watching everyone drinking their delicious craft brew. It was pure torture. I woke up and told my husband my disturbing nightmare and he laughed at me.

Exercise: I'm consistently exercising 2-3 times a week I was put on low impact exercise during my first trimester since I have placenta previa. I hope I'll get the clear from my doc during my 20 week check up to get back to high impact. I never missed jumping so much in my life! 

Cravings: Fruit and cake. Because they pair so well together. 

Symptoms: Sore boobs and exhaustion. My boobs need their own rail guards, because this is just ridiculous. 

Looking forward to: The 20 week anatomy scan. I can't wait to see little mister squirming around!