Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Nature Walk

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

Since Anabelle isn't so thrilled about the church nursery, we decided to forgo church on Sunday and go on a nature walk after breakfast. Sometimes I wish I could shove her back in my belly and tote her around. Wouldn't that be so awesome?   I would be the envy of so many mommies.

The weather was cool, and another rainstorm was on it's way, so we thoroughly enjoyed nature in all its glory. All thirty minutes of it.

You guys, this trail is so lovely, and I want to go back already! I foresee a solo run in my future. Sweet, sweet silence.

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

During our walk, we picked up leaves, rocks and acorns to collect. I made the mistake of showing Anabelle a gigantic stick the nearly the size of her body. She wouldn't put it down, even after attempting to negotiate for a smaller, not so dangerous stick. But smaller sticks are all the rage right now! I kept imagining her poking her eye out, the hospital visit and her half blind future. Thankfully, none of that happened,  even though she refused to give it up.

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

She wanted to terrify me a little more with nature made baton twirling. "Don't worry mommy, I got this."

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

We spotted man-eating spiders, intricate webs, berries my husband wouldn't let me collect and a cicada carcass. I can't stop wearing these Birkenstocks, even during nature walks, in the rain and mud. Semi granola love, right here. 

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

We were almost back where we started and she decided she didn't want to walk anymore, so she plopped her butt down on the trail and yelled her little heart out. As frustrating as it was at the time, looking back at this picture is a moment I'm glad I captured. Toddler tantrums and independence. This would make for good bedroom art. 

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

Here's our nature walk loot. Isn't it beautiful? We painted monster rocks yesterday on the rocks we found during our walk. Free Halloween crafts. Oh yeah!

Nature walk with a toddler | BubblesandGold.com

Have a great day everyone! Don't forget to go outside, and enjoy nature's beauty :)

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  1. Oh my gosh,,,she is just adorable. Your nature collection is beautiful. Even though you weren't in church, you still got to witness his goodness and craft ship :) A Sunday well spent I'd say.
