Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bump Update - 19 Weeks

bump update 19 weeks | Free Threads Blog

How far along: 19 weeks.

Gender: We found out we were having a boy around 11 weeks. So exciting!!

Weight gain: Last I checked, it was about 6 lbs. I don't have a scale, so I won't know it until my next doctor appointment.

Maternity clothes: Nope. So far maxis and the belly band are my go-to items. I really despise maternity clothes, so I've been using a few select pieces that I can also use after the baby is born. 

Sleep: Blissful. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I am out.

Best bump moment so far: When my husband felt the baby kick. His face was melted my heart :)

Miss anything: Beer! No really. I even had a dream I was at a bar watching everyone drinking their delicious craft brew. It was pure torture. I woke up and told my husband my disturbing nightmare and he laughed at me.

Exercise: I'm consistently exercising 2-3 times a week I was put on low impact exercise during my first trimester since I have placenta previa. I hope I'll get the clear from my doc during my 20 week check up to get back to high impact. I never missed jumping so much in my life! 

Cravings: Fruit and cake. Because they pair so well together. 

Symptoms: Sore boobs and exhaustion. My boobs need their own rail guards, because this is just ridiculous. 

Looking forward to: The 20 week anatomy scan. I can't wait to see little mister squirming around!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A BIG Announcement + Rebranding + Shop News!

Free Threads Baby Announcement

Anabelle is going to be a big sister! She couldn't be more thrilled. Well, really right before I snapped this picture I asked if she wanted some chocolate and she jumped up and down, and squealed, "yes!" So let's pretend she was really squealing for her future baby brother, okay?  But really, she is super excited and talks about lil bro all the time. 

Let's back up a minute. I took this picture during a brief rain intermission while it was incredibly windy. Before we even got out of the car, she said, "no pictures mom." She wasn't having it. I even had to bribe her with chocolate to get a smile out of her. After I told her, "okay, let's go home and paint" before the rain got us, she immediately let go of the remaining three balloons. Ensue toddler tantrum the entire way home. 

But anyway, we're having a baby boy! I'm 18 weeks along, and I have to admit, it's been the most exhausting 18 weeks of my life. Being pregnant with a toddler is no joke. Hence the lack of blogging, reading or being on social media. Whew. Luckily the second trimester has given me a break.

In other BIG NEWS, I'm opening a shop for mamas and their little free spirits! I've been working on this for months, and severe fatigue and a cold delayed the shop opening. But it's almost here. In just a few short weeks, the shop will be open! I can't even begin to tell you how stoked I am! See all the exclamation points?!

I hope you'll follow me on this new journey and update your reader to the new site: freethreadsblog.blogspot.com. The new site will go live TOMORROW, so don't miss it.

Thanks for sticking with me this far :)